How to find your purpose in life: 16 Practical strategies

Learning how to find your purpose is a journey of self-reflection and exploration. It involves discovering what truly excites you, aligns with your values, and makes a positive impact. By tuning into your passions and strengths, you can uncover a purpose that brings fulfillment and meaning to your life.

What is purpose?

“Purpose” is the reason for existence and the deep motivation that motivates each person. It helps us orient, determine value and feel meaningful in what we do. The question “how to find your purpose” in life is not easy and can take a lot of time. This requires self-discovery, experimentation and learning from personal experiences. You will feel clearer about your direction, creating strong motivation to overcome challenges and achieve important achievements.

how to find your purpose

In the process of finding your purpose, you can experiment with many different fields and learn more deeply about yourself and what truly makes you passionate. Most importantly, listen to your inner voice and keep trying. The result of finding your purpose in life will be a fuller and richer life, with commitment and steadfastness to what you truly believe.

Why must there be purpose in life?

We need purpose in life because it gives meaning and direction to each of our actions and decisions. A life of purpose helps us feel happy, fulfilled, and create real value for ourselves and others.

When you know clearly what you are aiming for, you will have strong motivation to overcome difficulties and challenges. Finding your purpose helps you realize what is truly important to you and shape your life in a more positive direction.

how to find your purpose

To know “how to find your purpose”, you need to discover yourself, try new activities, listen to your inner voice and learn from those around you. Be patient and keep searching, because finding your purpose is a journey that requires time and perseverance. The results will bring you a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

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16+ ways to help you on how to find your purpose in life.

Finding purpose in life is a journey of deep discovery about yourself and what is truly important to you. Below are helpful ways you can start this journey and find your life purpose.


Self-discovery is the first step in the journey of finding your purpose. To know “how to find your purpose in life, ” you must reflect on your values, passions, and goals. Self-discovery helps you understand yourself better and opens up new directions in life. Try jotting down your thoughts, feelings, and things you notice during this process.

Meditate and practice mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness practice are effective methods to listen to your inner voice and find your purpose in life. You will learn to focus on the present and understand yourself when you practice meditation regularly. By quieting your mind, you will easily realize what is truly important and meaningful in your life. Spend at least 15-30 minutes every day meditating and practicing mindfulness.

how to find your purpose

Read books and research

Reading and research help broaden your horizons and provide new knowledge about life and its purpose. Read books on philosophy, psychology, and personal development to better understand “how to find your purpose in life”. Stories and experiences from the authors can inspire and guide you on your path to finding your purpose.

For example, “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl and “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. These books provide insight and practical methods to help you find your purpose.

Take courses or workshops

Courses or workshops are a great way to meet like-minded people and learn from experts. These events often provide useful tools and methods for finding your purpose. Look for courses on personal development, leadership, or other interesting topics.

how to find your purpose

Take notes and write a diary

Daily note-taking and journaling are effective ways to track your self-discovery and find your purpose in life. When writing, you can freely express your thoughts, feelings, and things you have learned. This helps you recognize behavioral patterns and core values, making it easier to “find your purpose”. Spend 10-15 minutes a day writing about the things you experience and feel, which will help you be clearer about “how to find your purpose in life”.

Volunteer and help others

Volunteering and helping others is a great way to find meaning and purpose in life. Participating in volunteer activities will bring you joy and satisfaction from helping others. Volunteering also opens up opportunities to meet and learn from people from different backgrounds, helping you better understand yourself and your life purpose.

how to find your purpose

Ask yourself questions

Asking yourself questions is an effective way to discover more deeply about your life purpose. Ask questions like: “What makes me happy?”, “What am I passionate about?” and “What are my core values?”. These questions help you better define “how to find your purpose”. Asking yourself questions and reflecting on the answers helps you realize what’s most important to you and guides you in finding your purpose.

Try new activities

Trying new activities is a way to discover previously unknown aspects of yourself and find your purpose in life. You will discover hidden interests and passions when you dare to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. Be open-minded and ready to challenge yourself with new activities; from there, you will have richer and clearer experiences about finding your purpose in life.

how to find your purpose

For example: You decide to take a dance class, learn a new language or try an extreme sport. This helps you discover new aspects of yourself and may uncover hidden passions.

Seek inspiration from others

Seeking inspiration from others is a way to expand your horizons and discover your life purpose. Listen to the stories and experiences of people you admire or who have found their purpose. This can help you better understand “how to find your purpose”. By learning from them, you will have more motivation and ideas to apply to your journey of finding your purpose.

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Seek advice from friends and family

Seeking advice from friends and family can help you see sides of yourself you never saw. Loved ones often have an objective and insightful view of you, making it easier for you to find your purpose. Open up and share with them your thoughts, feelings, and goals. Their advice and support can provide valuable suggestions on finding your purpose in life and help you shape the path ahead more clearly.

how to find your purpose

Use self-assessment tools

Self-assessment tools are a scientific and effective method to better understand yourself and find your life purpose. Personality tests, career interests and personal values ​​can provide insight into “how to find your purpose”. These tools help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and passions. Try using these tools to get more information and direction on your journey to finding your life purpose.

For example: You take tests like MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) or StrengthsFinder to better understand your personality and strengths. These tools provide insight and guide you on your “how to find your purpose” journey.

Set your own goals and make a plan

Setting your goals and making a plan is an important step in finding your purpose. When you have specific goals, focusing your efforts on achieving them will be easier. Write down your short-term and long-term goals, then create an action plan to achieve them. This helps you get closer to your life purpose and motivates you to keep trying.

how to find your purpose

Listen to your intuition

Listening to your intuition is the way to find out what is truly important and meaningful in life. Intuition often brings the right feelings and guides you on the path to finding your life purpose. When you feel a strong urge from within, don’t hesitate to listen and act on it. Listening to your intuition helps you connect deeply with yourself and find your life purpose more easily.

Seek expert advice

Seeking expert advice is an effective way to gain insight and clearer direction about your life purpose. Consultants, personal trainers or psychologists can provide useful methods and tools to find your purpose. They can help you better understand yourself, identify your core values, and develop an action plan.

Learn how to deal with failure

Learning to deal with failure is an important skill in finding your life purpose. Failure brings valuable lessons and helps you grow and become stronger. When faced with difficulties, see it as an opportunity to learn and improve yourself. This will help you find your purpose in life and achieve greater achievements.

how to find your purpose

Self-motivated and patient

Self-motivation and patience are key factors in finding your life purpose. Remember that “how to find your purpose in life” is a continuous process, and every small step counts. Don’t give up when you encounter difficulties; persevere and keep looking. Patience and self-motivation will help you achieve your goals and live meaningfully.

Distinguish between Purpose and Goals

In short, purpose and goal are two important but different concepts in life and work. Understanding the difference between these two concepts helps you determine both the overall direction and the specific steps you need to take to achieve success.


  • Define: Purpose is the reason for the existence of a person or an organization, the driving force and profound meaning that drives each action.
  • Characteristics: General and abstract, long-term and without a specific deadline.
  • Vision: Focus on the big picture and core values ​​of life.
  • Influence: Creates intrinsic motivation and ongoing inspiration, helping to maintain commitment and direction.
  • For example: “My purpose is to help people in need and create a better world.”


  • Define: Goals are specific destinations that you want to achieve within a certain period of time.
  • Characteristics: Specific, measurable, and often have clear deadlines.
  • Vision: Focus on small, short-term steps to achieve specific results.
  • Influence: Creates extrinsic motivation and a sense of accomplishment when completing specific tasks.
  • For example: “My goal is to complete a leadership course within 6 months.

In the end, how to find your purpose comes down to listening to your heart, exploring what makes you come alive, and aligning with what you deeply value. Embracing the journey with curiosity and courage will lead you closer to a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.